Case Study

INDICATA increases vehicle stock turn resulting in increased revenues for a large dealer group in the Netherlands

Dutch Renault Dealer Group

About the Dutch Renault Dealer Group

The dealer group are the official dealers of Renault, Dacia and Nissan. It has a network of 10+ dealer outlets throughout the Netherlands and provides leasing, rental and damage repair.


One of the key challenges faced by this dealer group was that it struggled to sell off vehicles which were sitting in its stock yard for more than 90 days and had an MDS (market days supply) of >90.


INDICATA’s business intelligence software uses real time market data to provide insights and practical strategies to the dealer group on which vehicles had an MDS of >90, and which strategies to apply to their vehicle remarketing process.

Since the end of 2015, the dealer group have used INDICATA to deliver significant results to their bottom line by increasing their stock turn rate by >15%. They switched from only their own brand strategy to an all brand strategy by making the Market Days Supply from INDICATA one of the pillars of their new used car strategy.

The INDICATA team continues to work in close consultation with the dealer group in providing additional training, vehicle remarketing consultancy, management reporting based on real-time market data, and the use of INDICATA’s business intelligence platform as a strategic tool in their daily trade-in-process.

As a testament to this close working relationship, the dealer group is considering additional services from INDICATA to expand their online channel offering as well as other remarketing services provided by the Autorola Group (INDICATA’s parent company).

The dealer group has provided a positive reference to other Renault dealer networks within the Netherlands for INDICATA.